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Surgery Created 10 Fingers and 10 Toes For James!

Medical Funding Program- Impact Story

Last year we brought you an update on James, who was adopted by Amie Singleton. You can read the full story by clicking here. Thanks to generous donors, we were able to help Amie raise $10,000 to complete James’s adoption. Since his adoption, James has been thriving in his forever family.

In addition to helping Amie with adoption funding, your support has allowed Connected Hearts to provide much needed medical care for James. James has Apert Syndrome, which is a congenital disorder that causes malformations of his skull, face, hands and feet. Since last summer, James has had four surgeries that have helped him tremendously. One of his most recent surgeries allowed doctors to create 10 fingers and 10 toes for James! Thanks to this surgery, James can now preform daily tasks just like other children. He is even learning to play the violin!

The Connected Hearts Medical Funding Program not only allowed James to receive medical care, but also specialized therapies to help him thrive. Amie stated,

“He’s getting healthier and growing so much each day!! He’s also becoming more and more confident and secure in who he is. His therapy sessions are helping tremendously.”

“Thank you for all the ways you make this possible for our little family. James has so many wonderful opportunities because of your love and support. We are so grateful.”

Because of your support James was not only adopted into a loving family, but he is receiving the medical care he needs to live a happy and healthy life. Thank you for making stories like James’s possible.


We would like to say a special thank you to our donors, monthly partners, and the Give 1 Help One community. Your ongoing support allows us to provide medical care for children like James for many years after their adoption. Thank you!


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