Important Updates: Are you an adopting family in need of funding? Click here to start raising funds.
Keep Adoptions Moving Forward Benefit Concert
Keep Adoptions Moving Forward Benefit Concert

Keep Adoptions Moving Forward Benefit Concert

Martin Family adoption story

The Amigo Family's Adoption Story
Keep Adoptions
#Moving Forward
A Night of Music and inspiration
On April 30th, we are bringing you a night of music and inspiration. Join us to hear hope filled music from popular artists like Rhett Walker, George Dennehy and more. You’ll also hear inspiring stories from families who have stepped out in faith to adopt.
Due to COVID-19 adoptive families are struggling to raise funds to keep their adoptions moving forward. The goal of this night is to bring encouragement to adopting families, and help keep adoptions moving forward. We hope that you will join us, as this will give you a great opportunity to make a difference, and help bring hope to orphans and adopting families during this time.
During the event Melissa Joan Hart, from God's Not Dead 2, will be giving a special message of hope and encouragement to families who are currently in the adoption process.
Preforming Artists and Special Guests

Actress, God's Not Dead 2

Season 7 of NBC's the Voice



Cameron and Brooke Amigo
Adoptive Family

Brandon Hudson
Co-Founder, Connected Hearts Ministry