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Goodworth Family

Country Adopting From: India

Special Need: Developmental Delays

Support the Goodworth Family Today!



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Our Story:  (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)

We are the Goodworths.  Adam is a professor at University of Hartford in Connecticut, doing research on Cerebral Palsy and other balance disorders/ motor development delays.  Anna is a stay at home mom of 4 kids.  We have 2 bio kids (Lukas age 13 and Adelaine age 11).  We have 2 adopted kids (James age 8 and Sean age 3).  Both of our adopted sons have medical needs and are doing amazing now.  We are adopting a little girl from India with development delay.  We are over the moon about her and working hard and fast to get her the therapy she needs to thrive.  


We are humbled and honored to be sponsored by Connected Hearts Ministry.  It is so encouraging to receive financial help, but even more the prayers and encouragement in the rollercoaster ride of adoption.  Thank you so much for all those who support adoption in any way.

Leave a comment and let the family know that you are praying for them and supporting them through their adoption journey!

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