In 2018 the Ballards felt called to adopt. Their hearts were drawn to India, however, they were told that most of the children available for adoption in India have special needs. The Ballards said, “It was a big step of faith for us because it would be a special-needs adoption. There are a dozen questions that cross your mind when you start down that path, but the love of Christ is what compels you.” The Lord began to calm their fears about adopting a child with special needs, and they moved forward with adoption. As they moved forward, God quickly showed them they could handle more than they imagined. The Ballards said, “Shortly after we started the adoption journey, our younger son, Brett, was diagnosed with autism. We would be a special-needs family one way or another. Learning to rely on the power of Christ to be made perfect in our weakness in new ways prepared our hearts and our home for the adoption of another child with special needs”

In 2019 the Ballards were matched with a little girl named Lottie. Lottie was abandoned at birth because she has a severe skin disorder. Although the Ballards were excited to adopt Lottie, they faced yet another hurdle, the high cost of adoption. The Ballards applied for Connected Hearts’ Adoption Funding program, and we began working with them to raise funds. Thanks to the generosity of many people, the Ballards raised over $10,000 through Connected Hearts Adoption Funding Program to help them bring Lottie home. In October 2020, the Ballards traveled to India to adopt Lottie. The Ballards said, “She is the perfect fit for our family.” When asked about their adoption of Lottie, the Ballards point to Psalm 126:3, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad!” Thank you for helping the Ballards bring Lottie home, and giving her the love and care she deserves. We are grateful for your support in helping us continue to turn orphans into treasured and loved sons and daughters.

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