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Four Brothers Get to Stay Together!

Writer's picture: MarkMark

Back in April, our friends at Lifeline Children’s Services were informed that four brothers they had been advocating for would soon be separated. Brothers Solomon, Yash, Joey and Dale had been available for adoption for quite a while. Their local government in Latin America decided to separate these brothers, in hopes that they would have a better chance of being adopted. On April 12th Lifeline announced that they had one week to find a forever family for these brothers, otherwise they would be separated. The brothers share a strong bond, and wanted not only to have parents, but also to get to stay together. Connected Hearts worked with Lifeline Children's Services to advocate for this sweet sibling group. Many wonderful people shared the brothers’ story through social media, and word spread quickly.

Chris and Kasey Lieu heard about the brothers, and quickly moved forward to adopt them! The Lieu’s said, "While we could never have dreamed as first-time parents adopting FOUR children at once, these boys somehow stole our hearts... We knew that God had been stirring our hearts for them, so we said "yes" without hesitation!" We are thrilled to be working with the Lieus to help them raise funds to bring these boys home! You can learn more about the Lieu’s adoption journey by clicking here.

At Connected Hearts, one of our main goals is to help siblings stay together. Thank you for your support of Connected Hearts Ministry, and for helping these four brothers not only get to stay together, but also have a forever family!


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