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Moore Family

Country Adopting From: China

Adopting an older child with a missing arm

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Country Adopting From: China

Adopting an older child with a missing arm

Our Story:  (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)

God has been so good to our family! We have been married for over 18 years and have been parents to our daughter Elexa for 11 years. We adopted her domestically, as an infant in an open adoption in our local city. 
We were called to adopt early in our family planning, after having some fertility challenges. Rob was adopted as an infant and had always had a desire to adopt as well. Adoption made sense for our family and God's calling throughout Elexa's adoption was evident. 


Christy has had a desire to adopt again for a few years, specifically feeling called to an international adoption. It wasn't until late in 2017, when Rob felt the same calling. Our purpose has been unified ever since. Elexa is thrilled and excited to bring her new brother home! 

We feel equipped to adopt, as the journey with Elexa has taught us many things, expanded our support group and strengthened our faith in God's plan for our family. Through our growth as parents, research and a strong adoption-positive network, as well as training like Empowered to Connect, we are aware of the potential issues and challenges that come along with adoption, specifically with an older child. We are ready and can't wait to expand our family through adoption once again!

Our son, awaiting us in China, was born without a left, lower arm. We are excited to support him and his special needs and welcome to our forever family.

Moore Anchor

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