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You can join the fight to turn orphans into sons and daughters.

Because Every Child deserves a family.

Beautiful children who are older, part of a sibling group, or have a special need, are often overlooked for adoption. We believe that Every Child matters.

Below are a few ways we fight for Every Child to have a family.

Older Child


95% of orphans worldwide are over the age of 5.*

Keeping Siblings Together

Sibling groups are often separated in order to be adopted.

Helping Children with

Special Needs


Children with special needs are often overlooked for adoption.

By providing funds to adopting families, we help older children, sibling groups, and children with special needs come home to forever families.

Every Child Matters!

We’ve given away over a 1/2 million dollars to give 65 orphans the love and care of a forever family.

And that number is growing every day!

Every Child


By giving monthly, you become part of the Every Child Initiative, a passionate community committed to fighting for Every Child to have a forever family.

Click Below to add your voice to the passionate community fighting for Every Child!

Can help share the cost of 1 adoption matching grant.*


Can provide 1 adoption matching grant.*


Can provide 2 adoption matching grants.*

Every Child

Why Do We Call it the

Every Child Initiative

Every Child is a precious gift from God.

Created to dream, hope, and inspire the world.

He knows them by name,

and has a beautiful plan for their lives.

Every Child who older, part of a sibling group, or has a special need is valued in God's eyes.

Every day we fight to turn orphans into sons and daughters,

because Every Child deserves a family.

Reesor Family

"Connected Hearts was an incredible source of encouragement and partnership helping us tell our story and raise the funds needed to bring our precious Lia home."

Kalmbalcher Family

"Through Connected Hearts Ministry, God provided exactly what was needed to close our remaining funding gap before travel. Eden & Lydia have been home for two years, and we cannot imagine life without them!" 

Cotter Family

"Lybbi was so sick that we were racing through the adoption paperwork to get her home as quickly as possible.  With such a short timeline, we weren’t sure where the money was going to come from. Connected Hearts came through at just the right time with the support we needed."

Join the Every Child Initiative Today and Receive a Welcome Pack and a Connected Hearts Ministry Duffle Bag!

Every Child


 As part of the Every Child Initiative, you’ll receive emails with stories of lives changed, special gifts, invitations to events, and opportunities for you to get more involved in the fight for Every Child. Plus, you'll also snag some great swag just for signing up!

We fight to turn orphans into sons and daughters, because

Every Child deserves a family.

A passionate community committed to turning orphans into treasured and loved sons and daughters.

Can help share the cost of 1 adoption matching grant.*


Can provide 1 adoption matching grant.*


Can provide 2 adoption matching grants.*

* Grant sizes may vary based on available funds. Amounts listed are for a $600 matching grant. Please note that the above amounts are provided to give you an idea of how funds may be used. Funds from the Every Child Initiative are used to meet the greatest needs each month.

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