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The Kroegers are Adopting a Child with Limb Differences From Thailand

Meet the Kroegers

Travis and Denee Kroeger are in the process of adopting a 2 ½ year old little girl from Thailand named Muaysai. When speaking of Muaysai, Denee said, “Through no plan of our own we learned of a sweet little girl in Thailand with limb differences. I discovered these differences mean that she will need a prosthesis to walk. I saw only her abilities when I first looked at her sweet picture.” Like many families, the Kroegers had a desire to adopt, but financially they did not know how they would afford to bring Muaysai home.

When asked about funding, the Kroegers said, “Despite adoption being a lifelong desire, our financial situation had never made it seem feasible. Connected Hearts provided the platform for others that wanted to give to be able to. The tax deductible component is a really big deal, as it gives donors the option to reroute their tax dollars towards a cause that they believe in. Thanks to the generosity of many people, the Kroegers have raised over $19,000 so far through Connected Hearts Ministry.

When asked what led them to adopt, Denee said, “My past volunteer and mission-based experiences in orphanages in both Mexico and China from 20 years ago heavily influenced my desire to adopt. Together through prayer, my husband Travis and I decided that we were done having biological children, but wanted to grow our family through adoption because we have more love to give, and feel our family isn’t complete.”

Like many families, the Kroeger’s adoption process has been affected by Covid 19. Denee said, “This journey has been a “hurry up and wait” experience. It has taught us patience through the pandemic and shutdowns... I do believe that God can work all things for His good though, and just have to trust in His timing. Please join us in praying for little Muaysai, and that we will be able to bring her home soon!” Thank you to everyone who has prayed for and supported the Kroeger family. The Kroegers said, “Our adoption, and I’m sure countless others’ would not have gained the forward momentum financially it needed without Connected Hearts. Connected Hearts provided a way for God to use others' generosity in our lives to make this dream of adoption a reality.” During this pandemic, your support of Connected Hearts has been vital to many adopting families like the Kroegers. We’d like to say a special thanks to our monthly partners, and the Give 1 Help One Community, whose monthly support has allowed us to continue helping families like the Kroegers throughout the pandemic. Also, thank you to the Kroeger family for allowing us to share your adoption journey. If you would like learn more about the Kroeger family, or make a tax deductible donation towards their adoption, please visit:


Livia’s First Father’s Day with Her Forever Dad!

We are rejoicing that Livia will get to spend this Father’s Day with her forever dad! The Romero family traveled to Eastern Europe last fall, and officially brought Livia home on September 2nd. The Romeros said that Livia is doing great and adjusting very well. Thank you for giving Livia, and many other children the opportunity to have a father this Father’s Day.


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One Child at a Time

You can help more families like the Kroegers and Romeros adopt by joining the Give 1 Help One Community. The Give 1 Help One Community is a passionate group of monthly givers who are on a mission to turn orphans into sons and daughters.

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