“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
- John 14:18

Kiira and Adam Churchill were our last Connected Hearts’ family to travel before everything began to shut down. They traveled to Liberia on March 1st to adopt their children, Rebecca and Jefferson. They were supposed to be in Liberia for 4-6 weeks. However, due to COVID-19 their adoption was fast tracked, and they only spent 2 ½ weeks in Liberia. Below is what Kiira wrote about their journey home.
“There was no way we would have made it home without God's provisions. We almost did not get to board the plane in Liberia, and then our seats were double booked. We then arrived in Brussels and the children were almost not allowed to board. It was a crazy time. We arrived home just after many travel bans were announced, and by the time we arrived back in the states they were starting to prepare for the "stay at home" order… God was in the timing and the details. “
We are rejoicing that this past Mother’s Day Rebecca and Jefferson finally had a mom to celebrate with! Kiira wrote the following about their first Mother’s Day together:
"As a mother to 5 children I am not sure how to really describe this season and spending Mother's Day with all of them, but I know one thing to be certain; My God has been with me, my children, and our adoption journey. He has provided financially, tangibly, and emotionally to my family and to me… This Mother's Day looked much different for everyone and that was definitely true for me, but I was showered with kisses, hugs, love, and donuts. :) This Mother's Day my home was full and my heart even fuller."
Thank you to everyone who supports Connected Hearts Ministry. Because of each of you, Rebecca and Jefferson are now safe at home with the Churchill family.


You can help children just like Rebecca and Jeffersonbe adopted, and thrive in their new families.Join our Give 1 Help One campaign, and help turn orphans into treasured and loved sons and daughters. As a thank you gift, we will send you a FREE Connected Hearts Ministry travel mug.