Thanks to your generous support, the Johnson family’s dream of adoption became a beautiful reality. Their journey, marked by faith, perseverance, and love, has brought Maverick—a remarkable boy who waited 11 long years for a family—into a home where he is cherished beyond measure. Upon seeing a photo of Maverick, the Johnsons said, “We felt very confident this was our son,” and today, Maverick is thriving beyond what they ever imagined.
When Maverick arrived home in October 2024, he faced overwhelming medical and emotional struggles. “When we met, he wouldn’t make eye contact, engage with toys, or express emotions,” the Johnsons recalled. But in just 3.5 months, Maverick has transformed. “Today, ALL of those things look different!” He now seeks out hugs, makes eye contact, plays with toys, and shares his laughter and affection freely. “God is faithful to redeem and restore,” they expressed with gratitude.

This transformation was possible because of you. “All of where he is now and what is to come can be largely attributed to the people who helped us bring him home in the first place -- our agency Lifeline Children's Services, various generous grants and donors, Connected Hearts Ministry for helping us raise the funds necessary to make adoption possible for our family,” they shared. Your support has not only changed Maverick’s life but has shown the Johnsons and many others the true power of community, compassion, and faith.
If you'd like to read the Johnson family's full, heartfelt story and witness more of Maverick's inspiring journey, please click here.

Your generosity makes stories like Maverick's possible, bringing hope and a forever family to children in need. Please consider making a donation today to help more families like the Johnsons open their hearts and homes to children waiting for love and support.