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Bogusch Family

Country Adopting From: China


Adopting a Child with Hearing Loss

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Our Story:  (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)

We are Charles and Kari Bogusch. We have been married for 6 years and are raising Kari’s two biological children: Owen who is 13 and Allison who is 10. We do not have any biological children together nor does Charles have biological children. We have been matched with a special little boy from China. His name is Sun Yi Ran. He is 4 years old and has hearing loss in both ears. We have spoken with many specialists here in the US and do not know the degree of hearing loss we are dealing with yet. Due to his hearing issues, Yi Ran has not started to speak yet. We will need to have him evaluated for speech therapy once he comes home. 

We believe God has spoken to us in many ways which has led to our family’s decision to adopt. We have discussed adopting for many years. Each time in the past something else has occurred in our lives that have made adoption not a reality at that point in time. This time something was different. Our church is highly involved in missions. We support many missionaries in Honduras, Estonia, Africa, India, etc. Giving and supporting others is a natural activity for our family. Our church also has many families who have adopted internationally and domestically. We strongly believe God has used our church family to encourage us to move forward with the adoption process. One Sunday at church, we happened to be sitting next to a family who recently adopted a little girl from China. While watching the child interact with her new family, both of us could not stop the feeling that we should be the next family to provide a loving environment for a child. We went home and discussed adoption again. We met with our pastor who prayed with us and told us if this is what God desires of us, He would let us know. Over the course of the next few weeks, everything fell in place quickly. We saw God speaking to us in everything we did. We knew this was the right decision for our family. God also placed a child’s file in our hands that normally we would not have considered. The child was slightly older than we thought we wanted to consider, but upon reviewing his file, we saw he had a lot of needs we had already experienced with one of our biological children. We knew at that point God had led us to this child. 

Leave a comment and let the family know that you are praying for them and supporting them through their adoption journey!

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