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Schaefer Family
Country Adopting From: China
Support the Schaefer Family Today!
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Our Story: (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)
We are Zach and Erica Schaefer and we have a heart to adopt an orphan girl from India. India is a country where there are more than 20 million street children, where poverty and trafficking of young girls is rampant, and where for many children there is a lack of hope for the future.
Currently, we are matched with a little girl about 8 months old who has some medical needs. Arabella suffers from a disease and is also extremely small for her age, she falls in the 1st percentile based on her size. We wish we could share a picture of her on here, however we promise you she couldn't be more perfect and beautiful.
We are deeply impacted by Psalm 82:3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. (NIV)
We are naming our future girl "Arabella" which means "Yielding in prayer".
We hope you will join us in bringing hope to Arabella through your prayers and financial support.
Leave a comment and let the family know that you are praying for them and supporting them through their adoption journey!