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Colfacks Family
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Our Story: (Click here to leave the family a message of encouragement)
We are Rex and Melissa Colfack, 22 years ago when we married we had no idea what God had planned for our lives. Soon after we married we started to build our family. 2 boys and 1 girl later we felt our family was complete. However God had other plans by placing adoption in our hearts. In 2015 we brought home our now 8 year old daughter with down syndrome. God soon placed another little girl in our hearts and took us back to China in 2017 to bring her home. However our first trip made an impact on our hearts that could not be forgotten. While we were in China to pick up our daughter we visited our daughters orphanage. As anyone who has ever visited an orphanage you would understand how this was the hardest part of our trip for all of us. Once you step into an orphanage, your lives are forever changed. During that visit we met a little boy that not only grabbed our heart strings, he stole them. We went home talking about him to everyone assuming he had a family on the way! Instead for the last 3 years he watched his friends being adopted and asked "when will I be adopted". We could not get him out of our minds, but at that time had no idea how to find out more about him. We later reached our to our agency and they helped us find out more about him and amazingly we they did. We had prayed and prayed for this boy, and now he will soon be home and we can call him our son. We hope that you will prayerfully consider becoming part of our sons journey home.
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